Intel Core i5 750S @ 2.40 GHz

Intel CPU

Cpu Manufacture by Intel CO

Intel Core i5-2380P @ 3.10 GHz

Benchmark: 3496
4% Benchmark Score
4 Core and 4 Thread with 3.1 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Intel Core i5-2550K @ 3.40 GHz

Benchmark: 3495
4% Benchmark Score
4 Core and 4 Thread with 3.4 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Intel Pentium Gold G5500 @ 3.80 GHz

Benchmark: 3490
4% Benchmark Score
2 Core and 4 Thread with 3.8 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Intel Core i7-5557U @ 3.10 GHz

Benchmark: 3485
4% Benchmark Score
2 Core and 4 Thread with 3.1 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Intel Xeon X5698 @ 4.40 GHz

Benchmark: 3480
4% Benchmark Score
2 Core and 4 Thread with 4.4 GHz Clock Speed
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Intel Core i7-6498DU @ 2.50 GHz

Benchmark: 3470
4% Benchmark Score
2 Core and 4 Thread with 2.5 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Intel Xeon W5580 @ 3.20 GHz

Benchmark: 3469
4% Benchmark Score
4 Core and 8 Thread with 3.2 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Intel Xeon W3580 @ 3.30 GHz

Benchmark: 3468
4% Benchmark Score
4 Core and 8 Thread with 3.3 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review