Intel Celeron 847 @ 1.10 GHz

Multiple CPU Systems

Processors in the Multiple CPU Systems range

Intel Xeon 2.80GHz

Benchmark: 679
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 2 Thread with 2.8 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Intel Xeon MP 3.00GHz

Benchmark: 625
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 2 Thread with 3.0 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Intel Xeon 3.06GHz

Benchmark: 605
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 2 Thread with 3.1 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Dual-CPU AMD Athlon MP 2000+ @ 1.70 GHz

Benchmark: 604
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 1 Thread with 1.7 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Intel Xeon 2.66GHz

Benchmark: 601
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 2 Thread with 2.7 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Intel Xeon MP 2.50GHz

Benchmark: 550
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 2 Thread with 2.5 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Dual-CPU Intel Pentium III 1400S - 1400MHz @ 1.40 GHz

Benchmark: 541
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 1 Thread with 1.4 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review

Dual-CPU Intel Pentium III 1400 - 1400MHz @ 1.40 GHz

Benchmark: 539
1% Benchmark Score
1 Core and 1 Thread with 1.4 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data - CPU review