Dual-CPU Intel Xeon E5-2698 v3 @ 2.30 GHz
Intel Xeon Gold 6212U @ 2.40 GHz

Intel Xeon Gold 6212U cpu Reviews

Intel Xeon Gold 6212U Benchmark , Reviews and Price , Intel Xeon Gold 6212U CPU Manufactured by Intel CO, with 24 Cores and 48 Thread and Base Clock speed 2.4 GHz and can reach up to 3.9 GHz turbo Clock speed . the Intel Xeon Gold 6212U CPU use motherboards with socket FCLGA3647


Benchmark Score (Average)

Base Clock speed : 2.4 GHz
Max turbo Clock speed : 3.9 GHz

Num of Cores : 24 Core
Num of Threads : 48 Thread

Base TDP : 165 W
Max TDP : NA
cpu release date : Q4-2019
Manufacture : Intel
Socket : FCLGA3647
Class : Server Cpus

GPU - included : NA

Intel Xeon Gold 6212U @ 2.40 GHz Reviews

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Intel Xeon Gold 6212U @ 2.40 GHz Specs

Intel Xeon Gold 6212U @ 2.40 GHz Hyperthreading & Overclocking

Hyperthreading : NO
Overclocking : NO

Intel Xeon Gold 6212U @ 2.40 GHz PCIE Support

PCIE 3.0 : Yes
PCIE 4.0 : NO

Intel Xeon Gold 6212U @ 2.40 GHz Manufacture Technology

Technology : 14nm

Dual-CPU Intel Xeon E5-2696 v3 @ 2.30 GHz

Benchmark: 30746
38% Benchmark Score
18 Core and 36 Thread with 2.3 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

Dual-CPU Intel Xeon E5-2698 v4 @ 2.10 GHz

Benchmark: 30833
38% Benchmark Score
20 Core and 40 Thread with 2.1 GHz Clock Speed
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Quad CPU Intel Xeon E5-4660 v4 @ 2.20 GHz

Benchmark: 30855
38% Benchmark Score
16 Core and 32 Thread with 2.2 GHz Clock Speed
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Intel Core i9-9960X @ 3.10 GHz

Benchmark: 30542
38% Benchmark Score
16 Core and 32 Thread with 3.1 GHz Clock Speed
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Dual-CPU Intel Xeon E5-2697 v4 @ 2.30 GHz

Benchmark: 30441
37% Benchmark Score
18 Core and 36 Thread with 2.3 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX @ 3.00 GHz

Benchmark: 30296
37% Benchmark Score
32 Core and 64 Thread with 3.0 GHz Clock Speed
CPU data CPU review